Thursday, January 6, 2011

You Learn Something New About Yourself Every Day...

So I was thinking what I wanted to do for my birthday this year. Wow I can't believe 17, soon to be 18, years have gone by in my life. It seems like yesterday I was walking around Odyssey Elementary School, and the only thing I worried about was being called on in class rather than SAT prep. Well anyhow, I searched my birthday online and found that my birthday also marks a day when many sports records were broken. Why don't you try it? Look up your birthday and tell me something cool that happened on your birthday through the years.



  1. January 12th 1998 – Nineteen European nations agree to forbid human cloning.

    Wow, I didn't know this happened on my birthday! I also didn't know that it was forbidden in so many countries.

  2. September 14, 1996- Juliet Prowse, British actress and dancer died at 59.

    In the Catholic faith, my birthday is the Feast Day.

    My birthday is the only day of the year that isn't a special nationally-recognized holiday like Bug Day or Grandparents Day or Give Your Boss a Hug Day. :D

    Two years before I was born, on Sept. 14, MLB was canceled for the year because of a strike.

    In 1741 on Sept. 14, George F. Handel finished writing his Messiah.

    That's all the major stuff that happened on my birthday. That was a great idea, Trent! It figures that a kid like you would come up with something so brilliant. ;)

    P.S. For anyone else who wants to do it, just go to Wikipedia and type in your birthday (without the year), and it will give you a huge list of stuff that happened on that day.

  3. 1950 - Monasteries shut down in Hungary

    Very cool, Trent!

  4. Wow Trent, most lists of my birthday only go back to the 1600's. Yours goes back to the year 837!! Which, by the way, was the best ever viewing of Halley's Comet.

